IN THE STATE PARLIAMENT - Patrick Schreiber on duty!
Parliamentary group meetings, work group conferences, committee meetings and plenary assemblies – that is a typical month of a representative in the Saxon state parliament summed up. Bills and motions are discussed, internal debates are led, and then are finally opened up for a cross party discussion.
In order to be fit for all these tasks, my team in my electoral district office and my team at the office of the parliament support me with helpful comments.
Patrick Schreiber MdL
Sächsischer Landtag
Bernhard-von-Lindenau-Platz 1
01067 Dresden
Tel.: 0351 - 493 55 73
Fax: 0351 - 451 03 15 573
I am a member in the following work groups and committees:
- School and Sport
- Social policies and consumer protection
- Member of the 2nd review board “Corrupt networks in Saxony”
>> vice-chairman
In addition, I am also the Youth spokesperson in the work group “social policies and consumer protection” of the CDU parliamentary faction in the Saxon state parliament, Member in the committee for youth welfare services (Landesjugendhilfeausschuss) and Member in the board of trustees of the Saxon centre for political education (Landeszentrale für politische Bildung).